What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is an important aspect of our relationship with God and with each other. It's about giving back to God from all of the gifts God has given us. It's about mission and ministry, outreach and evangelism. Stewardship is a tangible and meaningful way through which we express our faith.
What is a Stewardship Pledge?
A stewardship pledge is a covenant of financial giving that helps our church minister to the pastoral and spiritual needs of all those around us, allows us to offer worship and music, and, ultimately, engage the wider community through formation and outreach. Your pledge also guides and empowers the Bishop's Committee so they can plan for the short and longer term and to know the amount of predictable funds available to maintain a responsible budget (pay clergy, staff, utilities, etc and make sure we have resources for Sunday and weekly worship) and plan for our continued growth (events, gatherings, music programs and other community activities). A member's pledge is a one-year financial commitment to support the ministry within our church family, to the local Largo community, and to the world.
Why Pledge?
We pledge because we are not just participants in the life of a church, but members of a local Body of Christ, we are members of the family of God. We pledge because God asks us to and it is our way of continuing the mission of Jesus Christ and the great commission left to us to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded".
How are Pledges Fulfilled?
Parishioners fulfill their pledge in the ways that best meet their needs. Some may opt to give weekly, monthly, quarterly, or even annually and this can be done by cash, checks, automatic bank withdrawal, or on our website using a credit card (there is even a QR code in our weekly bulletins). Should a member’s circumstances change, the pledge can be increased or decreased. ​The Stewardship Campaign begins every fall, however new gifts and pledges are welcome at any time. Stewardship is not just a one time event, but a life long experience.